A Compass for Future Learning

At Suburban Hills School, we want to set your children in the right direction! That’s why our academic programs are designed to provide quality education that prepares them for continued growth and success.

Education For the Future

Our Approach

At Suburban Hills School, we follow the Golden Rule: treat others the way you want to be treated. Our goal is to offer a curriculum-based, safe learning environment that supports both students and parents. Our dedicated teachers encourage each child’s physical, social, and emotional development while sparking their natural curiosity about the world!

  • We partner with each family to identify individual goals and plans for the children.
  • We develop skills in communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem-solving, and personal-social.
  • We ensure each member of our community receives the support they need to succeed.
Students Drawing.

Ages 0-1


Watch your baby thrive with the help of our Infant program!

  • We focus on sensory, language, social-personal and cognitive development
  • We use natural materials, open spaces, and aesthetically pleasing surroundings
  • All teaching activities help stimulate infant learning
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Ages 1-2


Our Toddler program is both educational and fun, as we believe no two children are alike.

  • Teachers act as facilitators, observing and documenting children’s activities and interests
  • Children are encouraged to express themselves through art, music, movement, and language
  • We see parents as partners in their children’s education
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Ages 3-4


Our Preschool classes focus on child centered-learning and developing social and problem-solving skills!

  • Encouragement of children to take an active role in their own learning
  • Emphasis on collaboration and cooperation among children
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Ages 4-5


Our Pre-K classes focus on achieving academic milestones and developing social and problem-solving skills!

  • This program is the building block for each child’s preparation for Kindergarten and beyond!
  • A school-like schedule that prepares them for the transition
  • Personalized goals set for each student
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Ages 0 - 8

Summer Camp

Imagination and Adventure Await

  • Imagination and adventure await your child in our camp program.
  • Outdoor activities to further develop gross motor skills.
  • Children will learn independence and self-awareness by exploring what interests them.
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Ages 3.5 and Older

Swim Classes

Water play is a big part of our day at Suburban Hills:

  • Two swimming pools!
  • Certified lifeguards leading the way.
  • Guided group swim lessons and free swim time to explore.
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All Ages

Enrichment Programs

During the school year, our enrichment programs are designed to provide a quality education that prepares them for continued growth and success- all while fostering creativity and inquisitive learning.

  • Music with Miss Karen
  • Kid Dance Caravan
  • Kiddie Soccer
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Join the Adventure of Early Learning Today!

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